A call to the working class! Stop Trump’s coup d’état!
The Trump administration is attempting to carry out a coup against the Constitution and establish a presidential dictatorship based on the military and the police.
The Trump administration is attempting to carry out a coup against the Constitution and establish a presidential dictatorship based on the military and the police.
Trump’s calls for police violence and repression have been a common theme throughout his administration. Trump views the police as a potential power base for a dictatorial and fascistic regime.
In scenes repeated across the country, youth and workers were clubbed, gassed and attacked with rubber bullets by police.
The World Socialist Web Site first published this statement on October 14, 2019. It warned that “Trump is utilizing the power of the presidency to create an unconstitutional and illegal dictatorship.” In light of the recent nationwide military/police crackdown, the WSWS is republishing this crucial document.
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