The International Workers Alliance of Rank-and-File Committees

Report to Seventh Congress of Socialist Equality Party (US)

Build rank-and-file committees, the organs of 21st century working class struggle!

This report was given by Eric London to the Seventh Congress of the Socialist Equality Party (US) in support of the resolution titled “Build the International Workers Alliance of Rank-and-File Committees! For a global counteroffensive of the working class!”

Eric London

Google lays off 12,000 workers as tech jobs bloodbath intensifies

The announcement by Google that it is laying off 12,000 workers is the latest in the intensifying jobs bloodbath in the technology sector internationally and the spearhead of a drive by the financial elite to impose the inflation crisis on the backs of the working class.

Kevin Reed

Russian taxi drivers strike

Across Russia, hundreds of cabbies, if not more, have parked their vehicles and refused to take calls during rush hour this week.

Andrea Peters
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