Strikes at Amazon and Starbucks in the US called off without any concessions from management
Thousands of Amazon drivers ended their week-long strike on Thursday while an estimated 5,000 Starbucks workers ended a five-day strike on Christmas Day.
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The International Amazon Workers Voice, published by the World Socialist Web Site, serves as a platform to link Amazon workers in the US, Europe, Asia and Latin America in a unified fight for workers' rights and socialism.
Thousands of Amazon drivers ended their week-long strike on Thursday while an estimated 5,000 Starbucks workers ended a five-day strike on Christmas Day.
The holiday season has begun in the United States, along with the season of class struggle. Thousands of Amazon and Starbucks workers are on strike, with many more seeking to join.
The Teamsters bureaucrats will not organize a wider struggle because they are not interested in taking the fight to Amazon on behalf of workers everywhere, but in establishing the same corrupt relations with Amazon management they enjoy elsewhere.
More than 5,500 workers at Amazon’s JFK8 facility, alongside thousands of other workers, are fighting for their economic needs and fundamental rights.
The International Amazon Workers Voice is assisting workers in the building of a network of interconnected rank-and-file committees of Amazon and logistics workers, as well as autoworkers, educators, and workers in other key sections of industry.
Fill out this form to join the committee nearest you. If a committee at your workplace does not exist, we will help you build one.
Whatever the outcome of the RWDSU re-vote, workers face the urgent necessity of establishing independent, rank-and-file organizations to fight for their interests.
Workers from the Stellantis Kokomo Rank-and-File Committee sponsored a meeting to discuss the fight against job cuts and Trump’s attack on immigrant workers.
The latest attack on Abdel-Fattah has been spearheaded by the Murdoch media, which has conducted a campaign of bullying and harassment against anti-genocide voices, slandering them as antisemitic.
The Kokomo Rank-and-File Committee has issued a call to build and expand committees at Stellantis and across the Big Three to oppose job cuts.
We know workers at National Steel car are going through a rough time right now. These massive layoffs, affecting some 1,200 workers or approximately three-quarters of our workforce, are happening at the worst possible time and are obviously causing a lot of stress.